
Download moss lawn for free
Download moss lawn for free

Remove thatch. Thatch build-up accumulates in zoysia, Kentucky bluegrass, and fine fescue lawns.

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Tall fescue will tolerate moderate shade but grows best when it receives a minimum of 4-6 hours of direct sunlight. This species of grass is not good for high traffic or poorly drained sites. Plant the proper grass species for the site conditions. For growing grass in shady areas plant fine fescue, which tolerates less sunlight.Correct areas of poor drainage by filling in low lying areas with topsoil and reseed.Aeration should be done in the fall on cool-season turf like tall fescue and in mid to late spring on warm-season turf like zoysia. Aerate by renting a core aerator that removes plugs of soil from the turf.Prune trees and shrubs to allow more sunlight in and to improve air circulation. Do not “top” trees but thin branches that prevent light from reaching the turf.Maintain soil pH for optimal turf growth (6.0 - 6.8) by applying lime according to soil test results.Lawn care that encourages a healthy lawn will not only reduce your problem with moss but will produce a lawn that can out-compete weeds as well. Lawn care practices that help to prevent/manage moss Inappropriate choice of turf species or cultivars for site conditions.The appearance of moss usually indicates you have a number of these conditions present in your yard. In some cases, moss is an attractive groundcover and it is perfectly suitable to let it grow.

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Mosses move into areas of thinning turf because the growing conditions favor the moss over turfgrass. Moss, a native plant, commonly grows in areas where turfgrass does not thrive.

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